The study in which you are asked to participate is designed to examine the barriers that formerly incarcerated students faced and assessing whether support services helped them overcome those challenges. This study is being conducted by Sofia Alvarenga and Gabby Walker, graduate students, under the supervision of Dr. Laurie Smith, Associate Professor in the School of Social Work at California State University, San Bernardino (CSUSB). The study has been approved by the Institutional Review Board at CSUSB IRB-FY2023-262 .
PURPOSE: The purpose of the study is to examine the perceptions that formerly incarcerated college students have on support services for re-entry.
 DESCRIPTION: Students will be asked questions about parole and probation, collateral consequences, recidivism, admission, housing, stigma and demographics. 
 PARTICIPATION: Your participation in the study is voluntary. You can refuse to participate or continue with the study at any time. Participants can skip the question if they do not feel comfortable answering.
 CONFIDENTIALITY: All information obtained will be completely anonymous and the data will not have any identifiable information.
DURATION: The survey should take about 10-15 minutes.
RISKS: While not expected, you might experience some unease when answering certain questions. It is completely optional to answer, and you can either skip the question or leave the survey at any time.
BENEFITS: Participants will not have any direct benefit from the study, however, the findings from our research will contribute to the knowledge of how support services are benefitting formerly incarcerated students.
CONTACT: If you have any questions about this study, please feel free to contact Dr. Laurie Smith at (909) 537-3837.
RESULTS: Results of this study can be found at the Pfau Library ScholarWorks database ( at California State University, San Bernardino after July 2024.
 I understand that I must be 18 years of age or older to participate in your study, have read and understand the consent document and agree to participate in your study.